Development of a Land Use Change Early Warning System (Modification #1 to Task Order J2115 06 0007


The objective of this project is to develop an “early warning” system for planned or permitted changes in land use occurring outside the national parks of the Gulf Coast Network (GULN).  The system will compile publicly available information about changes in land use and provide that information to the park staff in a format that is geographically linked, easy to use, and able to be frequently updated.  This will be accomplished by mapping permits that affect properties adjacent to the Park on a continual basis and delivering this information as maps to park managers. Park staff will then have the option to participate in, comment on, or respond internally to any actions they deem appropriate.  The intent is to give park managers the information needed to plan accordingly for upcoming changes in land use near the park.


Co-Principal Investigators: Wunneburger, Douglas ; Peacock, Walter; Ndubisi, Forster.


Funding Organization: National Park Service, 2007-2008.